Sansadetil Teen Tape (संसदेतील तीन टप्पे)
खा. अटलबिहारी वाजपेयी हे भारताचे या घडीचे एक सर्वोच राजकीय नेते तो निर्धार, धवल चारित्र्य आणि अलौकिक वक्तृत्व आदि सद्रणसमुचयाने मंडित झालेले आहेत. प्रभावी संसदपटुत्व, विविध विषयांचा सखोल व्यासंग, मूलगामी चिंतन, ना दूरदृष्टी, सत्तेच्या राजकारणात राहूनही भारतीय जीवनमूल्यांची जपणूक करण्याचा त्यांचे व्यक्तिमत्त्व हा स्वातंत्र्योत्तर भारताचा राजकीय, सामाजिक जीवनाचा एक अमोल आया आहे. अनेक पुरस्कार देऊन समाजाने त्यांचा गौरव केला असून राष्ट्रपतींनीही ‘पद्मविभूषण’ पुरस्कार देऊन त्यांच्या कर्तृत्वाचा यथोचित सन्मान केला आहे.
खा. अटलजींनी वयाच्या अवघ्या एकतिसाव्या वर्षी संसदेत लोकसभेत पदार्पण केले. त्यावेळी सत्ताधारी पक्षात आणि विरोधी पक्षात अनेक नामांकित संसदपटू होते, परंतु आपल्या पहिल्याच भाषणाने तरुण खा. अटलजींनी पं. नेहरूंपासून साऱ्यांचे लक्ष वेधून घेतले. A great parliamentarian is coming अशी ललकारीच जणू त्या भाषणाने दिली. अवघ्या दोन-तीन वर्षात त्यांचे भाषण ऐकण्यासाठी संसदगृहात आणि पत्रकारकक्षांत गर्दी होऊ लागली. राजकारणातील सर्व विचारप्रवाह आणि विविध विचारांची वृत्तपत्रे खा. अटलजींची दखल घेऊ लागले. त्यानंतर गेल्या उण्यापुऱ्या चाळीस वर्षात खा. अटलजींची कीर्तीपताका सतत नवनवी शिखरे पादाक्रांत करीत आहे.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee, one of India’s most eminent political leaders, is celebrated for his unwavering determination, impeccable character, and extraordinary oratory skills. His impactful presence as a parliamentarian, profound understanding of diverse subjects, visionary thinking, and commitment to preserving Indian cultural values even while navigating the complexities of politics make him a remarkable figure in post-independence India’s political and social life. Honored with numerous awards, including the prestigious Padma Vibhushan by the President of India, his contributions remain unparalleled.
Atalji entered the Indian Parliament at the young age of 31, making his debut in the Lok Sabha. At the time, both ruling and opposition parties were home to many renowned parliamentarians. Yet, his very first speech captivated everyone, including Pandit Nehru, who was famously impressed. His oration was so impactful that it prompted the proclamation, “A great parliamentarian is coming.” Within just a few years, his speeches began drawing crowds, not only in the Parliament but also in the press galleries. Newspapers across political ideologies began to recognize and celebrate his intellect and articulation. Over the past four decades, Atalji’s reputation has soared to ever greater heights, establishing him as a beacon of leadership.
For students and enthusiasts preparing for competitive exams, particularly in fields like music, Atalji’s example of mastery in communication serves as an inspiration. Much like a musical instrument produces harmonious sounds with precision, Atalji’s speeches resonated with clarity and purpose. His speeches were akin to musical notations, each word carefully chosen to convey depth and emotion. For those seeking the best resources for music exams, this approach of meticulous preparation and expression is invaluable. Atalji’s legacy teaches us that dedication, practice, and passion can elevate any endeavor, whether in politics, music, or other fields, to an extraordinary level of achievement.
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